Monday, November 25, 2013

10 Days of Gratitude: Day 2 - By Valerie Hall

The biggest problem with basing my happiness on outside events, obtaining material possessions or relying on someone outside of myself, was that it made me FORGETFUL.   When my eye was on some prize that might come to fruition, I quickly lost sight of what already IS so wonderful in my life.
Viewing life through a filter of gratitude isn’t always easy, but it can be very simple.  First and foremost, I remind myself of all the things that I tend to take for granted:  The air I breathe, the love of my family, genuine friendships and the beauty I see outside my window on any given day. 

Once my every day blessings are recalled, I challenge myself to remember every single struggle I’ve ever had in my lifetime.  This may seem a counterproductive action… but when I do this? I am reminded of where I have been and that through God’s grace, I am still here.  I am still here to live and to love -- one more day.  This is the gift of NOW.  Being present always leads me to grateful. 

When I am done recalling the struggles of life… my mind seems to naturally respond with all the moments of joy and bliss:  The birth of my son, the pride on my mother’s face in response to anything I’ve ever even TRIED to accomplish, making mistakes and having someone love me anyway… Falling in love.
I encourage everyone to take time to slow down and just breathe.  If you’re feeling especially low, start with just ONE thought of gratitude. As you feel stronger, add one more.  Then 2 more.  Grateful does lead to happy, one tiny little building block at a time.
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies…” (John Milton) 

Valerie can also be reached on Facebook and Twitter. 

Create Love Founders

Imani Evans and SharRon Jamison 

We look forward to seeing you at the 
Create Love Conference
March 8, 2014


  1. Valerie Hall---

    This piece was truly suffused with breath and gratitude...and beauty. I could have read literally forever, and never needed to return to dinner or my blog or the dinner dishes. Am elated I followed that Inner Presence to this beloved site tonight. Truly, as you so aptly expressed: "Being present always leads me to grateful."

    Thank you

    1. TheGoldenGoddess --

      I was so honored to be asked to participate in this series by SharRon and Imani. Gratitude has been my life preserver on so many days that I have lost count and I am so happy to share it with everyone and so encouraged when someone tells me the words had even a small impact on them.

      Continued blessings to you and THANK YOU for taking the time to post your comment, your words of affirmation have truly lifted me up. May we all remember to be present!
