Brown and Ashley Kelly-Brown
from Santa Barbara, California
How did you meet?
Christin: I attended a gay prom in
Hayward, California, and I saw Ashley dancing with her girlfriend at the time.
When I looked at her I said to myself, “If I could have any girl, it would be
her”. Ashley: I was working at Starbucks
and in walks this beautiful woman. She was really gorgeous. I said “If I can be
with any girl, it will be her”. Two weeks earlier I had broken up with my girlfriend.
I was at work and Christin walks in. I did not know what to say so I said “I
like your tongue ring”. Christin: I
thought, oh yeah!
What was the initial
Ashley: She had long hair and wore dresses. She was really girly.
She also had this sexy voice. She was a plus-size girl and she was so
comfortable in her skin. She had confidence and swag. She also had this masculine
side of her. She was beautiful! Christin:
When I saw her on the dance floor, it was a total movie scene. When I saw her,
everything went quiet. It felt like destiny and that we were destined to be
together. When I saw her at Starbucks, she had an amazing smile. She has these
big beautiful eyes and she has a way that she looks at you. I fell in love with
her at first sight.
Ashley you were 17
and Christin you were 18. How did you know that you were gay, and how did you
know you were in love?
You were not scared?
Ashley: No, I had cancer when I was 4 years old. I had already dealt with
life and death situations. I was ready. I don’t feel that I have time to wait.
I was a little nervous, but when I am nervous, I know that I am growing .Christin: I was in college, and I
didn’t expect to leave the house so soon. This gorgeous woman swept me up. I
was scared because she was such a beautiful girl. I thought that I was supposed
to hang out and party in college, to have the college life. But when I met the
girl of my dreams, I knew I made the right choice. We were excited to be
together. It was nice to be with her. I put my trust in her, and her ideas
always pan out.
What are the keys to
a successful relationship?
Christin: Laughter. I so enjoy making and hearing her laugh.
Making her laugh is one of my favorite things to do. Communication – Ashley
taught me that. Communication is important to keeping our relationship working.
Ashley: Know how to have fun and know
when to take a break. Know when to shut everything off. Sometimes when you need
clarity, it is good to get out. And, know when you need time apart. There are
times when you just feel bad, and just need to be by yourself. You have to get
to know when those times are and your partner should not take it personally. It
is selfish and invasive to not let your partner have that time.
How do you handle
conflict? Ashley: I am a zodiac
girl. I am a Cancer and she’s an Aries. Cancers are emotional and we like to
talk about our feelings. Aries are different; they like to bottle them up. When
we are facing conflict, we continue to work on it. Sometimes we can’t talk
face-to-face because it is hard to control our expressions. When you have been
with someone for a long time, you know what the facial expressions mean and
that might make communication difficult. So we sometimes use technology. We can
text message and that’s less emotional. We can sometimes send an email or write
a letter when we don’t see eye-to-eye. Christin:
I like to write because it gives me a minute to choose my words wisely. If I
hurt, I don’t want to make her hurt, and then we hurt each other. We don’t do
that. We make modern technology work for us. Ashley: We haven’t had a lot of conflict in a while. We don’t bring
that into our relationship. When there is conflict we know it’s not us; it is
what we bring into our relationship. So, we will get rid of it immediately.
What have you learned
about yourself in your relationship? Ashley: I have learned that I can be
high-strung and stressed for no reason. I let things around me create stress in me. I like instant results, and I like to fix things. Sometimes, I need to step
back. I can’t control everything. I have learned that from Christin; I have her
to thank for that. We don’t have stress because we are such a great
partnership. We live with the “glass full” philosophy. I am overwhelmed with
joy and we are solid. I am happy. Christin:
I am chilled and down to earth. I am easy-going. I have learned that I can be
too chilled and that puts an excess amount of responsibility on Ash. I have
learned that I need to step it up some times and not put more on her. It is not
fair that I am chilling and she is stressed. I have that as one of my goals
this year. I have learned that I can trust. We can have a ball together and
still are free to enjoy yourselves. Ashley:
We don’t lie or cheat. We don’t keep secret passwords, etc. We don’t play
the jealous game. We both know that
nothing can compare to what we have. Everything else is just a waste of time
and energy. I tell Christin, I may not trust the people around you, but I trust
you. Christin: We don’t have jealous
stuff, we have a loving relationship, a true partnership. Our love is not built
on possession, fear or a lack of confidence.
What role does
spirituality play in your relationship? Ashley: I don’t conform to any
religion. I have a relationship with God; I talk and pray to God. I am feel
guided, protected and loved by God. I am not in search for a church or a
religion. We are a spiritual family. Christin:
From kindergarten to high school, I went to a private Catholic school. I grew
in church. I understand the beliefs. We don’t attend a church now, but we
wouldn’t rule it out. Churches have not let me be 100% myself. There are now churches
that are welcoming so maybe in the future. We have a spiritual connection with
God and nature. Ash welcomes the universe and I have learned that from her.
How do you prevent
the job stress from affecting your relationship? Christin: We are a great team so it doesn’t affect us.
Years ago when we both worked at Starbucks, it put a huge damper on our
relationship. There was inequality because Ashley was the lead manager. At our
company, we are equals and we laugh a lot. We give each other critiques. We
love what we do, and we love that we do it together. Ashley: We are both artists and we create magic. We make people
feel and look great. We make people feel good about themselves and we create
good experiences. We want our clients to have an amazing time so we never let
anything that is going on with us affect them. When you love what you do, and
love each other, it is not hard to work together. Christin: There are no power struggles. If anyone of us needs help,
we help. We always check in with each other to make sure that we are ok.
How does she make you
feel special? Ashley: She makes me dinner and she lays out my clothes. She
finds things for me. She’s always thoughtful and that’s romantic. She is so
sweet. When I need her or need something, she never blinks an eye. It is never
a bother to her to do something for me. She cleans out my car. She pampers me.
She does my nails and my hair. She totally takes good care of me. Christin: She makes sure that we have a
roof over our head. She is the ultimate planner. She always makes sure that
everything gets down and goes well. She likes to please me and she makes sure
that everything balances out. She likes to hike. I learned how to hike so I
could enjoy it with her. I want to see her happy. That gives me joy.
What were you willing
or what did you have to give up to be together? Christin: I had to learn
how to compromise and what that meant. I was stubborn. I had to learn to say “I
feel this way, how do you feel”. Learning to compromise is about giving and
sacrifice. I had to give up being stubborn. Ashley: I had to give up the respect of my family. My family became born-again Christians, and
my relationship with Christin became an issue for them. I decided that I would no
longer sacrifice my feelings for my wife for them. I will not compromise
Christin because she is my wife; she is my family. I told them I did not change,
you changed. Before they changed, there were accepting. They were at our
wedding. In 2008 when the economy went bad they lost everything and found
solace in religion. I don’t believe that God would continue to bless us if God
was so disgusted by us.
Learn more about Christin and Ashley at www.lunabellamakeupart.com. Good
luck with your salon. We are proud of you.
We are grateful to Christin and Ashley for sharing your amazing love with us at Create Love for Women Who Love Women! We will see you at the Create Love Conference on February 16th! www.createloveforwomen.com
Imani Evans, MA
(CEO of Women Healing Women, Inc.)
SharRon Jamison, MBA
(Author of I Can Depend On Me)
soooooooooooooooooo love them.
ReplyDeleteI dont know what to do with myself! I am utterly and completely inspired and in such adoration for their belief in themselves, in their love, and in their vision and ability to manifest! I have struggled with the notion of being attracted to other femmes and particularly femmes of size and i just look at them and their similar aesthetic and feel so filled with hope and affirmation! I tend to be attracted to other artist as well and i have always been sacred that two artist together would pose conflict and financial struggle, but i feel they demonstrate that if you are supportive of one another's creative ability and desire, then you can have success in the relationship as well as in your endeavors. Im just really feeling this couple! thank you for sharing your light with us. I am truly inspired! Wishing you continued success in all endeavors! ~Meicka
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing their story. It was INSPIRING and reminds me that LOVE and COMMUNICATION are KEY ingredients to making a relationship work. My partner and I have been together 5 years and it is promising to see other relationship grow in love over time. Thank you for sharing their stories (and the stories of others).
ReplyDeleteThis ministry is a blessing to so many. Thank you for providing a space to be INSPIRED and EDUCATED. This work is fruitful, indeed.
You know what...this spoke to me deeply...thank you everyone for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI know and love this couple. You can see the truth in every one of these words when they are together. Their love and positive energy spreads to everyone they touch. This is a beautiful tribute!!