But it is in those
quiet nights when I am tossing and turning when my mind won’t rest and my body won’t
relax, that I list my blessings. I enumerate how God has orchestrated my pains
and my gains, a little bit of good and a little bit of bad, the simple and the complex,
and the ups and the downs to get me where I am today. And God is so amazing
that many times I just sit and wonder.
Because it is in those midnight hours that I see how my experiences fit
like pieces of an intricate puzzle. And in those reflective moments, I realize
how each piece, some smooth and some jagged, was used to develop me, equip me
and strengthen me. And it is at those moments when I am all alone, sometimes
crying in desperation and sometimes crying in celebration, that I am the most
Sometimes I am
grateful that things are going well and sometimes I am grateful that things are
not as bad as they could be. But nestled in my spirit is a song, an old hymn of
the church, called “It Is Well With My Soul”. I sing that song or I just dwell
on the meaning of the song and thankfully peace finds me. I don’t feel peaceful
immediately, but that song slowly penetrates my soul and reaches those hidden,
vulnerable crevices of my spirit to remind me that indeed “It Is Well With My Soul”. It is at those quiet meditative moments when
I feel most grateful.
So, what am I am most grateful for in 2014? I am grateful
for agitation. This year I have been pestered, provoked, pushed, pulled and pursued.
I have worried more than I should have even though I didn’t realize at the time
that I was worrying at all. Unfortunately, my body knew and it protested
But it has been at those times when I felt the most
aggravated that I really experienced my full potential as a mother, daughter,
minister, business owner, professional and person. It was at those most
emotionally demanding times that I was able to use frustration as fuel to
create new options, develop innovative approaches, generate new revenue, form strategic
alliances, seek wiser counsel and most importantly, pray. It was at those times
when I was at my most vulnerable places that I reached out, reached in and
reached up for strength to handle situations and circumstances that were
painful, complicated, baffling and life-threatening. It was hard, God knows it was hard, and some
issues have yet to be resolved. But I am so grateful that I was agitated,
and frequently so, because it forced me to see my potential, nurture my resilience,
forgive others, forgive myself and to love differently, not always more deeply,
but differently.
I am grateful that God used agitation as a catalyst and
clarifier in my life. I am grateful that God shook the proverbial nest and forced
me to fly, albeit sometimes reluctantly. I grateful that I was forced out my
comfort zone and into my genius zone which allowed me to get a glimpse of what God could do if I
would open my head, my heart and my hand
to new possibilities and to new options. I am grateful that I was
agitated and fired up to be the best SharRon I could be. I am grateful!
I am grateful for inspiration. In 2014, I have been inspired
to try things that I never tried before and inspired to imagine possibilities
than I never imagined before. I wasn’t
good at everything I tried, but trying identified and confirmed my strengths, talents
and abilities which convinced me that I was not performing up to my full
potential or capacity. And so, I am grateful for succeeding at some things
and failing at some things because I now have new data to propel me forward. I now
have information that will help me better direct, maximize and focus my efforts
in my personal and professional lives. I am ready for growth, expansion, new
horizons, new ideas and new opportunities.
I now have a clearer vision for my life. I am grateful!
I am also grateful for the inspiration that God sent me
through other amazing people. God is so God that God always sent me
encouragement just when I needed it most. God sent me the right song at the
right time to soothe me. God sent me the right friends at the right time to
encourage and me. God lead people to send cards, letters, text messages and
email messages that supported me. Even during the tough times, and there were
many, I was encouraged, motivated, calmed, comforted, fortified and urged to
do, to be, to go, to say and to try. I was blessed by poems, pictures, proverbs,
pasta and pats on the back. All acts of
kindness were instrumental in healing my heart when it was broken, lifting my
spirit when it was low, filling my stomach when it was empty and strengthening
my soul when it was weak. I was
blessed! Thank you. I am grateful!

I am grateful for all of you who have affirmed my work and
affirmed my very existence. You have encouraged me to step more out on faith, to
speak more of my truth, to celebrate more of who I am and to live authentically
as I can – flaws, failures, faults and all. You created, supported and
fortified a space where I can be vulnerable, transparent, wrong and silly
without judgment and ridicule. This
adage is so true for me: only free people can free people. You were free and
you allowed me to be free. Thank you! I am grateful!
Agitation, inspiration and affirmation!!! I am
grateful that all three have aided in my transformation, edification,
preparation and propelled me toward my divine destination. I am grateful for
these three wonderful gifts that have helped me become a better me. Thank you! I
appreciate all of you so much and I am not only grateful, but I am hopeful
because the best ME is yet to come. Blessings!
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