Janice R. Johnson
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Where are you from:
I claim Montgomery, AL. I was born in
Texas but I moved around a lot because my father was in the Air Force. We
eventually settled in Montgomery when I was in the 9th grade, so I
call Montgomery home.
I loved that you said
working “with” and not worked “for”: Yes, I believe that people follow
people that they trust so I was always a team player even when I was in charge.
I always rolled up my sleeves and worked beside the people I managed. When I
was on active duty, my leadership philosophy was based on what I called the CARE principle – Communication,
Accountability, Responsibility and Enthusiasm. My motto is “I Work Hard and I
Play Hard”. Whatever I do, I always give a 100%.
Since you are accustomed
to being the leader, how has that affected your relationships? It’s tough.
I am a problem-solver and I like to execute. But sometimes people just want to
talk, but when they do, I sometimes see it as a mission to do something, to
execute, to fix it (whatever it is). I tend to do things too quickly; I am
quick to jump into action. For example, in a previous relationship, when my
partner would mention something, I would quickly jump to start putting things
in motion. I thought I was helping, but she said “Janice, you are doing too
What were the hardest
relationship lessons you had to learn? 2 things--1) I had to learn to pause and then
re-visit the situation vs. just jumping into action so quickly. I’m working on
that. I need to be clear on what is needed
vs. when someone is just talking/brainstorming. I have to learn to make sure I understand
what is the right deliverable. I know
that I am a communicator, but I am learning to just listen more and 2) People do what they really want to do.
What did you have to
unlearn in your previous relationships? I had to unlearn that I am not
always in charge. Honestly, there is a lot of pressure in being charge. When
things are not happening, I kick in with a plan because I don’t like to live haphazardly.
Why is planning so
important to you: I don’t like not knowing. I prefer to know what I am
doing next. I prefer not to wonder what’s going to happen or have to figure it
out what is happening at the last minute. I like to travel, I love to go to various
types of restaurants and I like to do things with my partner and family. So after a few times of asking a person “what
do you want to do”, I will make a plan and sometimes that affects my relationships.
Some women like it, but others become annoyed by it.
Janice, describe your
ideal women? First, she is a God-fearing woman. She doesn’t have to be in
church 24/7 or trying to save me every few minutes, but she needs to have a
spiritual base. There has to be somebody that she can go to before she comes to
I want her to be a great communicator, self-motivated, a
go-getter and a lady of integrity. I want to know that she is a person who will
do the right thing when no one is looking. I prefer attractive feminine
women. What is attractive to me? I like women who are pleasing to my
eyes. For me, that means a great
personality and a caring spirit--absolutely beautiful from the inside then
out. The outside is great, but I can
love the inside of a person more.
She must be sensual, and to me, is not always about
being sexual. Intimacy is important. For example, standing very close to me
when I am cooking us dinner, brushing up against my face when I am in the
kitchen is sensual to me. You know, those “touchy feely things”. I want to feel
that she is attracted to me. I really love and need that.
It is also very important to me that I know she has my back. I definitely will reciprocate.
Matter What? I learned that when I
was reading a book to my son. It was a book where a mother tells her son that
she will always love him “no matter what”. She tells him that over and over
again, and that is how I am. When I am in love, it’s no matter what – good or
challenging unless it becomes unhealthy.
As a single Mom, I
found dating to be somewhat problematic. What has been your experience?
Dating is a challenge, but I always provide information up front. I always
announce that I am a package deal so people have the option to stay or to go. I love being a Mom, and I always wanted to be a Mom. That is why I adopted my son. He has been with me since he was 2-days
old. It is important that a woman understands that about me.
You have been and
continue to be so successful. What is your proudest moment? My proudest moment is when I first picked up
my son at the hospital when he was two days old. I was so nervous that I could
not even get his clothes on him. But I knew that I wanted to do the right thing
by him. That is when all that officer stuff went out of the window. At that
moment, I felt proud and blessed because I was his mom.
What do you want your legacy to be? I want to be remembered as a great Mom, a great person and a great mentor. Ultimately, I want to be remembered as the saying goes…”just good people”.
What advice would you
give to other single women? 3 things…1) Be patient--take time to learn
yourself so you can receive someone, 2) Be true to yourself and 3) Enjoy YOUR life…life
goes on. One of my favorite quotes is by
Robert Frost--“In three words I can
sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Jus So Catering is one of the proud sponsors of the CREATE
LOVE Conference. Jus So Catering will be providing samples from their
delectable menu during the conference. Remember to visit Jus So Catering at the
conference and meet their beautiful owner, Janice!
(Interview conducted and written by SharRon Jamison)
(Interview conducted and written by SharRon Jamison)
We are grateful to Janice, of Jus-So Catering, for sharing her amazing story with us at Create Love for Women Who Love Women! We will see you at the Create Love Conference on February 16th! www.createloveforwomen.com
Imani Evans, MA
Create Love! For Women Who Love Women
Create Love! For Women Who Love Women
(CEO/Founder of Women Healing Women, Inc.)
SharRon Jamison, MBA
Create Love! For Women Who Love Women
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